Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An old story and few snaps

 Microsoft Xenix OS, an operating system for 16-bit computers, based on the  BSD 4.1. It was on 1976, when there was no Linus or Linux. It is really funny to, when we compare the current price of Windows 7 Pro or Apple Mac Leopard 5.6 with the price of a Microsoft OS In 1976, In 1976 the cost of Operating system  from Microsoft was $1000 to $7500 for educational institutions and from $5000 to $40,000 for full commercial open source (per CPU). On 1981, the IBM 5150 Personal Computer gained popularity.

Then, on 1984, the Apple Macintosh Released - Apple Computer- In 1980, ten years before (there was no known Linus or Linux),  Microsoft announced XENIX OS Microsoft port of Unix for various 16-bit microprocessors,
and the story continues , only an year later, in 1981 Microsoft purchased all rights to 86-DOS and "IBM Personal Computer DOS 1.0" was ready for the introduction of the IBM PC in October 1981, during this period development of XENIX and DOS was in parallel and XENIX greatly influenced DOS design.For six years (from 1984 till 1990) Microsoft was one of the leading Unix vendors, the provider of the  first cheap large volume commercial Unix and, simultaneously, owner of a major branch of Unix  -- Xenix
When we analyze MS was trying to bring all known and powerful features of XENIX in to DOS and they have announced all XENIX features for upcoming versions of DOS. That shows that Microsoft certainly tried to bring UNIX features to DOS,  but the forks, multitasking, and multi-user support never materialized. Till 1980s  Microsoft was used XENIX for  Internet gateways, running Sendmail and they functioned as internal gateways between MSMail and Exchange while the company converted everyone over to having personal mailboxes on an Exchange server. In 1996 completely removed XENIX internal network ( Microsoft's Local Area Network (MILAN) was on XENIX during that time).
 The important fact that MS was essentially a software company with Vision  can controls and extends the PC hardware standard without the Microsoft Vision in PC hardware standard there can be no any substantial base for Linux at all because price of hardware is discounted due to the volume of Microsoft software sells.  In this sense Linux is a side effect of Microsoft dominance.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Some Interesting Terms

Recently I have seen some  Interesting Terms on the web and tried one of them in my Compaq PC (AMD processor), It worked as expected, Cheers 

a) I pc 10.5.6
b) Ideneb 10.5.6
c) Itkos 10.5.5
d) Leo 4all v3 10.5.2
e) kalway 10.5.2

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Linux Club Online Shop

Radio Shop Online is the virtual store front of Linux Club LLC. Radio Shop Online anchored by ALAN VU2AUZ, has more than 5 years of experience in the communications equipment business - wholesale and retail, domestic and international. Radio Shop Online provides a full suite of communication productions, including:
• Amateur / Ham Radio Equipment
• Commercial / 2-Way / Land Mobile Radio Equipment
• Marine Radio Equipment
• Avionics Radio Equipment
• Receiver / Scanner Equipment
Radio Shop Online  is an authorized dealer for many of the top manufacturers in the market, including: Kenwood, Icom, Yaesu/Vertex, Motorola, Uniden, Garmin, Cushcraft, Larsen, Comet, Diamond and many more.
Radio Shop Online   uses state of the art secure e-commerce shopping technology consistent with the highest standards online to ensure that your information is safely and securely transmitted. All personal information collected is used only for fulfilling orders and telling you about our exclusive offers. We guarantee your information to be safe with us and is never shared with any third parties.
To ensure your transactions are secure when placing orders online, Radio Shop Online uses Verisign on every order processed. We take extra care to protect your information by using advanced encryption and firewall technology throughout the ordering process. We also use state-of-the-art Verisign SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect personal information from unauthorized use.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

FrOSCamp Zurich

FrOSCamp Zurich, an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees from all over Europe on Open Source and Open Standards. It is an international network of user generated non-traditional social conferences: open, participatory workshop-events,  often focusing on early-stage web applications, and related open source technologies, social protocols, and open data formats. Oh and super fun!!

FrOSCamp was  First of its kind in  the ETH University premises, The camp was being organized by Sandro of ORGA Team ,I think this program is an excellent start in the right direction by ORGA team to facilitate open source Promotion.We will also had a fancy party with creative commons licensed beer [Free Beer] and music in the evening of the first day of the event.

An Open Source Beer, which means that the recipe is under a creative commons license. It is open to everyone and everyone can make the brew beer or make yourself.You may even sell it and get rich with free beer,It Is produced by the Wadi Bräu as organic beer.It is a bright, naturally cloudy beer in special bio-quality buds. Brewed and bottled beer free from the Wadi-Brau-Huus AG in Wädenswil on the beautiful lake of Zurich.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

OpenSUSE 11.3: The Linux for layman users

One week back I have installed a fresh copy of OpenSUSE 11.3 on my personal laptop (Copmaq Presario CQ61),This is very stable and optimized for performance without using much CPU resource, and what I feel this is a lightweight distribution.
I have used KDE 4.5 which is the better than any other propitiatory Operating System in performance and User Interface.I can say that this is for layman users or normal users of computers. With my experience in using various Linux distributions,OpenSUSE  resists to all update events and don't crash. This is the part that what I suggest this for a final user, for his daily activities.
OpenSUSE 11.3 uses KDE 4.5 along with Compiz Fusion for Desktop Cube kind of animations, which create an illusionary effects in UI for a normal user.

Compiz Fusion  seeks to provide an easy and fun-to-use windowing environment, allowing use of the graphics hardware to provide impressive effects, amazing speed and unrivaled usefulness, Compiz Fusion is an open-source software project, meaning anyone can use it and contribute to it freely.

All in all, I've found that openSUSE is, once more, a great Linux distribution.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

KDE 4.5 Screen Shots

KDE 4.5 Screen Shots are here, I have successfully updated the KDE 4.5 Beta on my openSuse 11.2 Machine, See the screen shots of KDE 4.5 Screen Shots , after these updates I have solved another problem with Amarok Audio Player, Initially it had no sound.openSuse with KDE 4.5 is not so light or fast in machines having less than 1GB RAM. In my experience it is not a lightweight desktop distribution, when we compare with other linux distros, openSUSE 11.2 has a good Network Manager. Overall openSuse 11.2 with KDE 4.5 is an excellent release, I am using Compaq Prasario CQ61. I have put more screen shots of openSUSE 112. with KDE 4.5 here. In my experience openSUSE 11.2 runs faster, smoother, utilize  power more wisely, has a more polished desktop, and simpler installation. I got a decent, colorful choice of programs, lots of useful utilities, plus centralized management by YaST, which is smarter and easier to use than ever before. The one sore point is package management - it's slow. It works great and makes some quite intelligent choices, but waiting a whole minute for it to complete caching the repository info is too much. If only this could be solved - somehow, openSUSE 11.2 would be perfect. When they release the Final we hope it will be solved.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Installing and Running Linux on Sony PS2 Devices and Intel / Mac Computers

Linux can be installed in any INTEL based Mac Machine, here I have used a Mac Mini. It was successful (*please search for @installing Linux on Mac"), the same way and we can install on the Sony Play Station 3 video game console (try Mandrive,Fedora, Ubuntu, openSUSE, Yellow Dog, Gentoo. Linux kernel supports PlayStation 3, so no worries about patches or hacks are required to install and run a full-featured distro.

Use Xross Media Bar (XMB) menu of your Playstation,
XMB menu, select System , Format Drive to PS3 HDD.then do a classic a partition for the hard drive by selecting to Custom Partition and allocate atleast 10GB to the PS3 System. your Play station will restart after this.After restart login and insert your favouraite Linux CD/DVD installer. After this step go again from the XMB menu, go to "System" and then "Install Other OS". The PS3 will search for others.bid from the installer. Once found, install it. After the installation, you can now set the PS3 to boot Linux by default by navigating to System (Default System to Other OS) thats all..your PS3 is a PC

Saturday, May 08, 2010

The Free Software Movement and the Open Source Movement

The Free Software Movement and the Open Source Movement are completely different. Stallman represents the former. Torvalds and Raymond represent the latter. For your freedom, download this video to your disk and watch it with a freedom-respecting program. ......